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RZR 200 ECU flash


-15% increase in HP

-32% increase in MPH

-Lower Engine and Exhaust Temps

-Longer engine life

-More smiles per miles!!!

(International customer NO CORE OPTION AVAILABLE)

**ECU core options:

1. You pay $299.99for the re-flash. Ship your ECU to Alba Racing to be reprogrammed and have it sent back within 2 business days. We pay return shipping.

2. You pay for the ECU Core $654.99 + $299.99for the ECU flash. Alba Racing will ship you a flashed ECU. Send Alba Racing back your ECU within 30 days and we will refund the $654.99 core charge.

3. Purchase a re-flashed ECU core for $654.99 + $299.99for the re-flash.
Pricing: $299.99

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Polaris totally redesigned the little RZR200 for this year with major changes in not only the engine, but also the engine management system. Previously, Polaris was using an off brand ECU that was not that intelligent. For 2020 Polaris has switched to the same ECU used in the majority of the RZR 1000 lineup. This is great news! We are now able to take complete control off all engine parameters and limiters. Our ECU flash is currently the only one on the market that actually removes the factory 30MPH speed limiter. There is no speedo trickery! This means your Ride Command app will function as it is supposed to with accurate learning speed limits. Fueling is controlled by a narrow band oxygen sensor in the idle and light load areas that hold a lean and HOT condition. We use the power of the ECU and our tuning to richen these areas up to drop EGT's by 70* at idle alone. This means cooler engine and exhaust temps and better engine life. Drive by wires tables are adjusted to offer a bit more aggressive driving(these can be left alone if desired) and timing is optimized. Combine this with a safe increase in RPM limit and the results are huge! We are seeing a 20% increase in HP on the initial hit and over 15% across the rest of the board. Just the flash alone will gain 32% MPH taking it from 29MPH to 38-40MPH. Clutching can gain even more! With proper clutching and the tune we are seeing 41+ MPH! Don't let your kid get left in the dust!



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