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Maverick X3 Stealth Winch Bulkhead

Was: $199.00
Sale: $185.07
Save: 7%
Save: $13.93

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Our stealth winch bulkhead created a simple way to add a winch to the front of your X3 while not effecting the approach angle.

The winch bulkhead holds most ATV/UTV winches up to 5k pounds with a 3x6.66 bolt pattern, specifically the Viper Elite Widespool, Viper Max Widespool, Warn and Superwinch. Others will most likely work, but have not been test fitted. **It does NOT fit the Warn Axon or Super ATV Black Ops 5000 models!

The bulkhead also ties in directly with our gusset kit. Add a gusset kit with our bulkhead and you will dramatically strengthen the front of your machine.



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